Monthly Giving

Join our monthly contributors and become part of The Bright Future Society

Could you make a small monthly gift to Habitat Kent? It’s kind of like signing up for a streaming service, but instead, you’re making a huge difference in the lives of local families dreaming of affordable housing. By becoming a monthly donor, you join our esteemed Bright Future Society, where you’ll connect with a dedicated community committed to creating positive change. As a member, you’ll have opportunities to network, volunteer, and engage in various activities, all aimed at building a brighter future for everyone. Join us in making a lasting difference!

We know

a bright future for our community depends on affordable homes for everyone.

We believe

all children deserve the opportunity for a bright future.

We build

a brighter future through monthly donations that add up to a huge impact.

When everyone works together, our future is bright! Your monthly gift allows:


Monthly gifts mean consistent, sustainable funding that allows us to be innovative and serve more families.


Help local families build a stronger, more stable future for generations!

Generational Blessing

Build generational wealth through homeownership and provide a safe, healthy place for a family to call home.

Benefits of Monthly Giving

- Networking Events

- Opportunities to build homes (no experience needed!)

- Invitation to our VIP donor appreciation event and more!

Thank you to the Bright Future Society Founding Members:

  • Sarah Abel and Nic Winsemius
  • Joe Botting
  • James Boyse
  • Ryan and Melissa Hamby
  • Mary Hartfield
  • Andrew and Lisa HowlandPaul Kellerman and Pat Hartsoe
  • Josh Saxbee Architect, PLLC
  • Jax and Natalie Merritt
  • Kathleen Marmon
  • Malorie Ninemeier
  • Elise and Tom Roe
  • Angie and Charlie Royce
  • Stephanie and Kyle Studebaker
  • Cindy Tousignaut
  • Lisa and Steve VanDeWeert
  • Collin Veele
  • Sarah and Greg Yoder
  • Cameron Young

Ready to give?
Fill out the form below

Not ready to give monthly?

You can still make a difference! Make a one-time donation to the Heart of Habitat fund.
